Thursday 12th and Friday 13th August 2021 & Thursday 19th and Friday 20th August 2021

Online and Worldwide

The ongoing restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic mean that the British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) has delayed its next international conference, New Romanticisms (to be held at Edge Hill University in partnership with the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism) until Summer 2022.

However, BARS remains committed to keeping our community connected and talking during this difficult time, so we are delighted to invite papers for a 2021 digital summer conference, Romantic Disconnections/Reconnections, which will be held online in two instalments in August.

You can now register for the conference. Participants must be members of BARS, but no further fee will be charged

The site contains details of our plenary lectures and roundtables and contact details for the conference committee. The programme and the salon details are now available.

The Call for Papers (ten-minute academic presentations) and the Call for Salons (informal social discussions) were open from late May until June 28th.
